In dreams, the spaces we inhabit are reshuffled, but just as familiar. That’s the best way I can describe my first visit to Denver’s Casa Bonita. All of the elements of the defunct Tulsa location I loved growing up were there, but were more wondrous.
While Tulsa’s location was essentially one level, with false upper windows and balconies, the Denver location had several levels teeming with activity. The silver mines were actually below grade, the balconies held joyous parties, and unlike the waterfall at the Tulsa location, this one had svelt cliff divers.

Adding to the nostalgia, the experience was shared with a friend I met in Tulsa three decades ago, who now lives in Denver. He’s the type of friend you might not see for 10 years, but when reunited, you pick right back where you left off.
The food is unquestionably superior today, but nobody ever went for the food. We certainly didn’t travel 800 miles for it.
There was no greater treat as a child than going to Casa Bonita, and if my fanciful little mind dreampt of it back then, I imagine it looked much like the Denver flagship.